9 Reasons Magnesium Is The Bomb

Adding magnesium to your diet, either with food or as a supplement, can be a total game changer. Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, is involved in over 300 metabolic reactions that are essential to good health. Unfortunately, it is estimated that 50% of all Americans don't get enough of it.

I'm just going to address magnesium supplements in this post. However, there are a variety of foods that can help you add magnesium to your diet. Let me just say this...chocolate is one of them. Boom! 

As a migraine sufferer and as a LiveWave AcuPatching™ devotee, I love magnesium for helping curb my brain-freeze-on-steroids migraines and for making AcuPatches™ perform at optimum capacity. As with anything you add to your health or wellness regimen, especially if you take medication or have a preexisting condition, it is best to discuss this with your doctor before starting. In high doses magnesium can be dangerous or even toxic, it can interact with some antibiotics, and is contraindicated for those with kidney disease. Natural does not equal 100% safe.

I'll start with the benefits of magnesium, then I'll get all nerdy on you and break down the different types available, what they work best for, and how they can be used.

9 Health Benefits of Magnesium

1) Bone health – Most people are know that calcium and vitamin D is needed for healthy bones, but magnesium is also needed for bone formation.  

2) Lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes – Research shows that magnesium plays a role in insulin metabolism and glucose control. Almost half of people with type 2 diabetes have low levels. Magnesium improves glucose levels and A1C levels and helps to decrease insulin resistance for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

3) Premenstrual syndrome – Magnesium can help relieve many of the symptoms of PMS such as bloating, breast tenderness, fluid retention, stomach cramps, food cravings, mood swings, and anxiety.

4. Improve cardiovascular health – Chronic systemic inflammation is very common in patients with poor cardiovascular health. It increases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Magnesium rich foods or a supplement can help reduce inflammation levels and improve cardiovascular health.

5) Migraine prevention – Men, women, and children who suffer from migraines often have a deficiency. Magnesium supplements can help prevent and even relieve acute headaches better than many migraine medicines.

6) Enhance performance – Magnesium is used by the body to convert glucose into energy. Studies have shown that athletes, those with chronic diseases, and the elderly can benefit from a magnesium supplement and experience fewer muscle cramps and improved performance. 

7) Improve your mood – Studies show that low levels of magnesium increase the risk of mood disorders, including anxiety and depression. Low levels of this mineral can interfere with the HPA (hypothalamic pituitary, and adrenal) axis, which controls an individual's reaction to stress.

8) Improve your sleep – A magnesium supplement can help improve the functionality of GABA receptors, neurotransmitters that calm the body and the mind. A supplement before bed can help relieve tension and may help you get to sleep and stay asleep.

9) Support your nervous system function - Magnesium affects the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as "rest and digest". Research has shown that reduced levels of dopamine associated with low levels of magnesium make it harder to relax. Supplementing with magnesium may help assist relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Okay, let's break it on down...

Here are the different types of magnesium.

I'm going to briefly discuss the different types of magnesium supplements and which may be best for your particular health concern. Each type of magnesium has different properties, vary in terms of their uses, bioavailability (the body's ability to absorb it), and potential side effects. Please note, research and opinions abound regarding magnesium. Most medical sources will still say "more research is needed." If you're not sure, always talk to your doctor.

For better nutrition you may want to try: 

  • Magnesium glycinate
  • Magnesium lactate
  • Magnesium malate
  • Magnesium citrate

For a topical option use:

  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium sulfate (Also known as Epsom salts)

For specific health concerns:

  • Magnesium oxide
  • Magnesium taurate
  • Also see the comprehensive list below

By type and most common use:

Magnesium citrate – Easily digested and absorbed, helps constipation, and can replenish low magnesium levels. It is thought to be calming, which can help relieve symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Research is ongoing.

Magnesium oxide – A salt that combines magnesium and oxygen. Can be used for for short-term digestive discomfort, including heartburn, indigestion, and constipation. It may also be used to treat and prevent migraines. (It is less easily digested and not recommended if you are trying to increase your overall magnesium levels.)

Magnesium chloride – A great multi-purpose supplement as it is easily absorbed. It can be used to help raise low magnesium levels, reduce heartburn, and relieve constipation. Magnesium chloride can be taken as a pill or topically.It is thought to help relax sore and tense muscles.

Magnesium taurate – This version of magnesium contains the amino acid taurine and may promote health blood sugar levels and support healthy blood pressure.

Magnesium L-theonate – This variety may help brain function, including certain brain disorders, such as depression, and age-related memory loss.

Magnesium sulfate – Recognized as epson salt, it combines magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. Soothe sore muscles and relieve stress by adding it to your bath. However, for best absorption, choose another option.

Magnesium glycinate – Combines magnesium and the amino acid glycine and can be used to help improve sleep. It also may treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, including heart disease, and diabetes. Easily absorbed with calming properties, it is thought to help reduce anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. Research is ongoing.

Magnesium orotate –  Includes orotic acid, a natural substance involved in your body’s construction of genetic material, such as DNA. It is easily absorbed, and research suggests that it may improve heart health. One study with 79 people suffering from severe congestive heart failure found that magnesium orotate significantly more effective than a placebo. Unfortunately, this version is much more expensive than other magnesium supplements. 

Woah, Nelly. Who knew I was going to try to trick you into a science lesson?

(I DID.) 

For a great selection of magnesium supplements, you can check out my online dispensary with Wellevate through Emerson Ecologics or ask your doctor which brand they prefer. Some can even give you a prescription, which may be cheaper depending on your insurance.



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