7 Days to Less Anxiety Naturally Book

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7 Days to Less Anxiety Naturally Book

Anxiety is a bully. Let's kick it to the curb.

You might (definitely) need this book if this sounds familiar...

  • You've tried so many treatments that you (or your daughter) feel like a lab rat.
  • The bathroom cabinet looks like a tiny pharmacy.
  •  People have stopped asking how you're doing.
  • You're worried that some of your current methods may be doing more harm than good. 
  • You believe in "listening to the wisdom of your own body."
  • You (or your daughter) just want to feel like yourself again. 
  •  You’re tired of being told “It’s all in your head.”, or “Just relax.”, or “Think positively.”, or "Just pray more."
  • You're done with "band aid" solutions.

If you're done with anxiety running, or even ruining you life, it's time to take back your own health. You have more power than you realize to make lasting changes in your mental emotional health.

Ready to do this? Let's dive in!


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Total due $15.99

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